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本日の午後、プリンスエドワード島の西部で皆既日食の鑑賞ができます。一世紀以上遡った1900年5月28日の午前10時ごろには約86%の部分日食が起こり、モンゴメリさんの日記や当時の新聞に言及されています。下記は原文のままなので、Google 翻訳などを使ってみてください。110.png

"We had an eclipse of the sun last week; not quite a total exlipse - only 11/12 of the disc was covered - but even that was something to be thankful for. It was very interesting. We smoked glasses and watched it throug them. When the eclipse was at its hight it was almost dark in the house. Outside the light was of the most curious appearance - a palid, greenish colour - and the shadows were so faint and ghost-like, while the sky was a very strange, dark, livid blue. Through the glass the sun loooked like a new moon. I hope that sometime in my life I shall see a total exlipse But if not - well, perhaps in some future like I shall have all the exlipses I want!"

1900年5月29日の地元紙(the Guardian)より
"Considerable interest was taken in the exlipse of the sun yesterday forenoon. The exlipse began at 9:15 and at 10:30 was at its hight. A large number of people took advantage of the suggestion of smoking a piece of glass published in the Guardian yesterday. When the train from the west was coming to the city the passengers with difficulty secured a piece of glass and smoked it over a lamp and by it they were enabled to see the exlipse without infury to the eyes. "

昨日疑問に思った「Smoked Glass」ですが、多くの島の人は新聞で紹介された方法で日食グラスを作ったようです。詳しくは書いてないですが、ガラスの破片をランプやろうそくの炎で曇らせて、日食グラスとして使ったようですね。(現在ではこの方法は安全ではないと勧告されていますのでご注意ください)

“Anne, this is certainly your night for looking handsome. Nine nights out of ten I can easily outshine you. The tenth you blossom out suddenly into something that eclipses me altogether. "
「アン、今夜はたしかにあなたが際立って美しいことよ。十のうち九夜まではあたしのほうがわけなくあんたより光り輝くけれど、十番目に突然あんたはぱっと花が開いたように、あたしに顔色なからしめるのね。(新潮文庫 村岡花子訳より)」


by abegweit | 2024-04-08 15:16 | Anne and Montgomery | Comments(0)